Monday, December 20, 2010

Fred Eerdekens is a belgian artist that sculpts space from lights, objects and shadows. 
Focusing on the torso of the mannequin, I wanted to make a series of  wire torsos basically because I like working with wire and wanted to make a 3D sculpture. I positioned them beside artificial lighting and recorded them visually through digital media to capture the sillouettes/ shadows caused from this piece.

I started to look at the mannquins features i.e. torso and find other things that correspond with it. Such things was the barbie doll. Using a viewfinder I recorded through thumbnail drawings the barbie dolls in their own environment which for this lot was a novelty suitcase. Then like the mannequin, I dismantled the barbie dolls and compiled them all onto a piece of mdf.Following on from that I thought it would be interesting to make relief cast to interpret the scattered limbs.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Keeping to the shopfront theme, I decided to narrow my project down into several sub-categories: mannequins, props and garments. This way I can produce a multitude of possibilities for my project. For the next 2 weeks I will focus on mannequins. I intend to experiment with the new techniques observed from the workshops to create a visual response of the mannequin.

This is a woodcut I prepared for the print workshop next week.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I am currently researching shopfronts in the city i.e. location, interior and exterior design of the window display. I will then focus on the props and garments displayed in the window and how they merchandise the product. I am recording through drawing at present and will develop some ideas as the week continues.